At ScoresMatter, we want to help you make the right digital first impression – perhaps its to lenders, prospective employers, or even new friends. We believe the best way to do this is by improving the Digital You.

What is the Digital You?

The Digital You is a portrait of everything you do that is quantifiable by data. So while it isn’t necessarily the real you, it does drive what the world thinks about you.

Why Does the Digital You Matter?

Every time you post on social media, purchase an item online or browse your favourite website you are leaving data behind. There are even companies that create data about you when you are offline. Today this data is a “commodity as important as oil” (Dean Armstrong, Lead QC).

With your data, companies are able to construct a version of what they perceive to be the Digital You. They then use this information to make both big and small decisions about you.

Have you experienced THIS situation in the past?

You and a friend are speaking about a new set of headphones that you want to purchase. That night, as you scroll through Facebook, your newsfeed fills your display with ads for headphones.  How could these advertisers have known?

While the natural thought would be that companies are somehow listening to your conversation, evidence suggested in a Wall Street Journal article may be enough to manoeuvre the blame of targeted ads to something that on the surface seems less sinister but is a lot scarier in reality.

The truth is, that companies are becoming so advanced at tracking what you do on and offline, listening to what you say would be a waste of their resources. According to Antonio Garcia Martinez, Facebook’s former ad- target product manager, “They would need to understand the context of what you are saying—not just listen for words”, a process that he states “would strain even the resources of the NSA”.

This example only scratches the surface of the potential that the Digital You holds. Outside of what you buy, this data is being used to influence elections and will even be used to determine premiums on your insurance. China is already headed towards a future where a person’s data is used to determine the treatment a citizen receives by their government and peers.

While some of these practices are not yet standard, understanding the Digital You is the key to having control over the way the world perceives you. It isn’t necessarily something you should be scared of, but like any part of your identity it should be something you want to control.

So go ahead, take the opportunity to meet the Digital You. It has the potential to be an eyeopening experience into the way others perceive you.

What Makes up the Digital You


Your credit history is an important part of what makes up the Digital You. It is viewed by multiple entities that have the potential to drastically affect your life.

Your credit score is the way many of these entities view your creditworthiness. For example, it helps lenders predict how you will treat a line of credit based on your financial history. This means it can have an effect on some of your biggest life events such as purchasing a home, receiving a loan and even securing employment.

For this reason, it is important to understand and manage all aspects of your credit. You can start today with ScoresMatter. At ScoresMatter you receive access to your credit report and score. You will also receive tips and tutorials on how you can improve your credit.

What you do online

As previously mentioned, everything you do online becomes part of the Digital You. This means every-time you purchase an item, post on social media, or browse your favourite site you are leaving data that others can use to define the Digital You. This also includes events that happen in your life that others post online as well. In fact, studies show that companies can still predict your behaviour based on what people you know post on their social media.

At ScoresMatter we provide you with guides on how you can manage this part of the Digital You. You can receive tips on what you should have in your social media, and even how to create websites or blogs that can improve what people are seeing about you online. We also keep you up to date with the latest in privacy news so you can stay informed on any development that could affect the Digital You.

The items you can’t see

When you are looking to learn what exists about you online you probably start by Googling your name. While this has the potential to provide you with immediate information on the Digital You, it isn’t the only place details about you may exist online. In fact, some of your most private information may exist in a place called the Dark Web.

Search engines can not index the websites on the Dark Web. Which as you can imagine draws in all types of criminal behaviour. So it goes without saying that this isn’t a place you would want any personal details to end up.

With an increase in the number of breaches and scams, the sensitive details of the Digital You are more likely than ever to end up on the Dark Web. Once there, criminals will sell, buy, trade and compile your details until they have enough information to commit fraud.

At ScoresMatter we scan to see if criminals are selling your details on the Dark Web. We also provide you with tips to help you prevent your information from ending up on the Dark Web. It is the best solution to ensure you are protecting the Digital You.

Tap Into the Digital You

It is difficult to evaluate the effect your Digital You has on your life, that is until you start paying attention to it. The more you learn about the ways you shape the Digital You the more you can understand the effects it has on your life.  Most importantly, you can take action to improve it.

It all starts with a tap… one click and you can start your journey of insight and discovery into how the world perceives you.

Tap Into The Digital You at ScoresMatter.