I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and are now ready for the New Year ahead!
I thought with a New Year just around the corner, there was no better time to share my top ten tips. Whether you make resolutions or not, I hoped some or even just one would help you to create a better you for 2023.
Tip 1: Set yourself a future Savings Goal: Saving is always a key focus for most. We find setting a short term and long term goal is always helpful. Start with looking at your finances, what can you afford to cut back on, what can you afford to save and then see what that will save you for the year. A great way to do it is, each month set aside 10% of your earnings and put it into a savings account and then pay everything else after that. With the rising interest rates too now is a great time to look into a new savings goal and account for 2023…Good Luck.
Tip 2: Get more organized; take a look at your daily routine, is there anything you would like to change? Exercise more? Take up a hobby, can you reorganize your day to day to make it happen?
Tip 3: Widen your horizons; Try to do something out of your comfort zone, even just once! Who knows, it could become your new hobby!
Tip 4: Set a Specific Goal; A really great one when looking at a goal is to make sure it is super specific, if it’s specific then you are more likely to keep to it. Remember this also when choosing your New Year resolution(s)
Tip 5: Avoid Repeating Past Failures; I have kept this in my top 5. Look back at what resolutions you may have made in the past and try to take steps to avoid failing (if you did before) using our other tips should help with this.
Tip 6: Reduce your stress: Try to reduce 3 stress points from your life – such as unhealthy habits, too much sugar, alcohol, toxic friends, spending habits, work/life balance etc.
Tip 7: Make your goals Monthly not Yearly: If you keep updating and adjusting your goals it will help to make sure you are not only sticking to them but achieving them and making yourself accountable (Science shows us that doing anything repetitively for 21 days makes it become a habit hence why it’s a great tip!)
Tip 8: Focus on your Mind, Body and Soul: As silly as it sounds, these can also be targets and resolutions to work on as sometimes we all neglect ourselves. Working on ourselves and focusing on yourself can truly benefit not only us but those around us.
Tip 9: Get a buddy and set up some co-support; A great way to stick to a goal or a target is to have someone else to help keep you accountable. Whether it be your partner/friend or colleague it is a great way to stay on track.
Tip 10: Spend more time with friends and family; This has to be in the top ten, as this encompases all of the above and hopefully with help and support from your loved ones and family it will help you keep to your 2023 goals.
I hope you have enjoyed our quick and key tips for 2023.
Good Luck and remember it’s about the small wins sometimes too.
Happy New Year!